Android dominant in Dutch market

Redactie WINMAG Pro
Smartphone penetration continued to grow in the Netherlands last year. In the last quarter of 2012, 61 percent of Dutch mobile phone users had a smartphone, up from 52 percent in the first quarter of 2012. Penetration was especially high among youngsters (12-19 yrs). The most popular smartphone brand remains Samsung, with a 40 percent market share in Q4 2012. Together with Samsung's success, Android's share of the market increased further, and the Google OS now has more than half of the Dutch market. Apple's iOS share increased to 20 percent of the market, according to Telecompaper's report 'Dutch Smartphone User 2012-Q4'. The report is based on an online survey of 19,800 Dutch consumers during Q4 2012 and compares the data with the previous three quarters.


The research shows that smartphone users are younger than normal phone users, more often male, higher educated and have a higher income. Striking is that these socio-demographic variables did not converge with those of the general population in 2012 as smartphone penetration increased.
The leading operators in the smartphone market are Hi, T-Mobile and Vodafone. These three brands have the highest smartphone penetration among their customer bases. Vodafone and T-Mobile customers together account for more than half of the smartphone market.

The research also reveals that the app market is an important factor for consumers when choosing a certain handset. This becomes more understandable knowing that eight out of ten smartphone users downloaded apps on their phone in the previous three months. This percentage increased over the last year. Especially free apps are popular.

The report ‘Dutch Smartphone User 2012-Q4’ gives insight into the differences between smartphone users and normal phone users as well as information on the total mobile market (12-80 year-olds). The results of this quarter are compared to the previous three quarters. The report gives detailed information on the consumer demographics, handset brands and operating systems, service providers, types of subscriptions, where the mobile connection is bought and usage of apps and SMS.

This report discusses topics similar to two other reports from Telecompaper on the Dutch Mobile Consumer. These reports give information on the total mobile phone market. The first report focuses on the differences among service providers and the second on the differences among handset brands used. These reports are available for Q3 2012 and will be available later this year for Q1 2013.

The Dutch Smartphone User report discusses the following aspects:
Socio demographics:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Education
  • Income
  • Daily occupation
  • Living situation


  • Brand (Total market, pre and postpaid, per age)
  • Operating system
  • Awareness of functionalities


  • Provider (Total market, pre- and postpaid)
  • Pre- and postpaid
  • Smartphone penetration per provider
  • Type and length of subscription
  • New or renewed postpaid subscription
  • Spending (Total market, pre- and postpaid)
  • Distribution of costs (NEW)
  • Who pays bill
  • Private or business usage
  • Reason choice of provider
  • Reason choice of handset

How connection is bought:

  • Where mobile package and where handset is bought
  • Type of physical store for both package and handset
  • Type of internet store for both package and handset


  • Downloaded apps
  • Amount spent on apps (NEW)
  • Type of apps downloaded (total market, age and OS)
  • SMS
  • Phone activities

Other hardware in household:

  • Other devices in household

News (NEW)

  • Smartphone news global
  • Smartphone news US
  • Smartphone news sales Netherlands

This report is based on the responses of 19,800 participants in the Telecompaper Consumer Panel during the period October - December 2012. Results are CBS stratified for gender, age (12-80) and education. Every month, we ask at least 2,000 consumers from our panel about their use of mobile telephony, broadband connections, fixed telephony, tablet and TV, including details on their current situation, purchasing habits, usage and churn.

Redactie WINMAG Pro
Door: Redactie WINMAG Pro

Redactie WINMAG Pro
